
About Us

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BizsSmart Mission

Our mission is to empower people, regardless of their background, gender, race or age by giving them a unique opportunity to achieve their goals and dreams.

By joining BizsSmart, you make the choice to change your life forever. Our model is flexible and adaptable and you have no restriction to your growth. Needless to say freedom is not free. We are committed to your success. We will give you all the necessary support and training you need in order to build a strong and profitable business.

BizsSmart is not limited to one type of product. The company provides a variety of products to meet your needs and your customer needs. We offer you the very best products and some with the finest ingredients. Your life style matters.

Ron Ellis, Founder & CEO

Ron is a visionary that oversees all facets of the company’s operation. A United States Air Force Veteran with over 10 years of Military Service that was awarded the Young Men of America Award while serving a tour of duty in the United Kingdom in 1981. Ron has over 25 combined years of private business ownership (Ron Ellis Productions-Special Events & Promotions) and Network Marketing Business from building over 50,000 distributorship base to MLM Consulting and MLM Company Ownership with over $2,500,000 in monthly sales. He has also help build 3 MLM Companies from the ground floor up along with organizing and setting up back office software and programming compensation plans. Ron has an affiliation with some of the top Corporate MLM Executive and plans to bring them on in certain key Corporate positions to help build BizsSmart.